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Old 4 Weeks Ago   #1
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Default Interesting raised bed issue...

I just put in 3 new raised beds, taking about 4 yards total of 'garden select' soil and 'compost' from my local landscaper supply company.

The 'garden select' soil was about 50% mulch, grrrr..., and the compost wasn't much better. Total S#%T, and I'll never get it again.

So I planted everything about 3 weeks ago, maybe 4 here in zone 7. Everything got off to a great start! Tomatoes jumped up to about 1 1/2 - 2 feet, beans, carrots, spinach, arugula, lettuce, and cukes all sprouted......

...then it all stalled! Everything stopped. Completely. It all just stopped growing. Radishes have been 1 inch tall for weeks now. Been fertilizing, watering, ect like normal.

When I took a shovel to the 'dirt', it's VERY damp! The mulch/compost mixture just isn't draining like it should. Roots most likely will rot. It's bad.

What would you guys recommend to help remedy my problem? Right now all I can think of is to rake the soil a little to get it to dry out but it's a foot deep!

Anything I can do this year? Or just wait until next year?

Thanks in advance!

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