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Old November 20, 2007   #1
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Default Has Anyone Tried These Early Varieties

If I decide to grow for market again in a few years, I need very productive early varieties with size and flavor. These are listed on Sandhill Preservation's website that look promising. Has anyone grown them before?

Early Rouge: 62 days. Semi-determinate, huge yields of top grade, uniform 6 to 8 oz. globe red tomatoes. Excellent choice for the market gardener.

Burpee Gloriana: 67 days. Determinate plants with 6 to 8 oz., globe-shaped fruit. Outstanding yields.

Burpee Sunnybrook Earliana: 58 days. Semi-determinate plants, flattened, 6 to 8 oz., red fruit. Very old Burpee selection. The 1920 Burpee Seed Catalog says the following about this tomato, "The entire crop can be gathered generally in about three weeks from the time the first fruit ripens. Sunnybrook Earliana is undoubtedly the very best, earliest, scarlet fruited tomato."

Sweetie: 63 days. Indeterminate plants. Large, 1 pound plus, pink beefsteak type that continues to be the earliest pink beefsteak.

Superbec: 55 days. Determinate plants, early, 8 oz. fruits, red globe from Quebec.

Ultrabec: 65 days. Determinate plants, 8 to 10 oz. globe-shaped fruit, from the Canadian plant breeding program.
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