Thread: Peas for 2008
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Old January 14, 2008   #9
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To me, all garden veggies taste better right off the vine but three stand out.
1 - tomatoes, of course
2 - carrots - most never even make it inside
3 - peas

Last year was my first year at growing peas and I have to say, I may have them in my garden for the rest of my life. OMG were they good. I was always told that fresh peas are a world apart from canned, yech, or frozen but I never thought the taste difference would be so huge.

Anyway, I grew Eclipse garden peas from Vermont Bean. My favorite place for beans and peas. Medium sized pea, very easy to shell. My wife and I would shell them sitting in front of the boob-tube for an hour or so at night. Next day, blanched them and into bags via a seal-a-meal. Using the same ones again this spring.
I put them in the ground extra early with my snow peas, which I HAVE grown over the last 6-7 years. They sprouted an shruged off most frosts. Those in the SE may remember a BIG freeze last spring. Well, only a few got damaged. They held up nicely. Got more peas than I thought I would.

Snow peas did well too. Planted Goliath and Oregon Sugar pod. Both did very well.

Just planted snow peas in the past because I was told garden peas were too much work. Not the case. To me it was well worth it.

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