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Old January 22, 2008   #15
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Yeah mate ive just spent a wee bit of time checking out Dandelions and dandelion flowers just to try spot some the same as in my pics but all i managed to come up with is a host of different flowers which dont quite tell me much lol..
Like you said i might just have to wait till they flower and at the rate they are going it dont look like its about to happen in the near future, specially at the rate were are attacking them anyhow lol..
Will need to sus out what time of the year they do flower and if i may need to bag the flower to attain its seed.
Mindyou the lady which did give me these seeds just had some plants all tied and bunched together hanging under her pagolar so doubt they are goingto be flowers akin to photos ive seen so far??...
Maybe just need to have patience and see8) ...
The leaves on the plants at home are growing up to eighteen inches long and wide enough to wrap some mince and rice into to end with "Doulmadis " as mentioned earlier..
Some of the plants are reaching three foot high as we pick the lower bigger leaves , younger and newer leaves are pushing through the top...
Anyhows will just have to wait n see ....
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