Thread: Herbs
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Old January 23, 2008   #5
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I looked at the link for the seasoning recipes and found some pretty promising mixes. I do not use salt at all by choice and it is all but impossible to find "salt free" spice mixes.

I have found and ordered some salt free blends over the internet from a few different places claiming to do wonders for fish, pork, chicken, etc but have never found one I would re-order. They are all quite expensive also.

At least with the "do-it-yourself" recipes, it's a good place to start and you can fine tune them to your own specific taste.

Now, I'm trying to find some sodium free chicken boullion and it looks like Hormel's Herbox brand might be good but I'm having a hard time finding it locally. Guess I will have to try and order some once I find a place to do so.
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