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Old February 4, 2008   #4
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
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My garden in the last place I lived was all raised beds. I used railroad ties because there was a readily available, cheap source of eight foot ties. Even though they are creosote soaked, I noticed no adverse effects and they lasted the 20 years they were in use. My beds were 4 feet wide by 24 feet long with a 3 or 4 foot space between the beds. That way I was not walking in the garden space.

Now I have a larger garden space and the main crops are in a larger area. I still made a raised bed strawberry patch, an herb garden and a raised bed for onions and peas and carrots. For this I used 2x10 treated lumber. The beds are four feet by eight feet. The corners are held in place by 2x2 stakes. One uses those plastic corners. I prefer the wooden stakes. Treated lumber has not used arsenic or other toxins for several years, so I am not worried about using treated lumber.

I did have to bring in a couple pick-up loads of soil and composted manure to fill them. I think I prefer raised beds to a regular garden space but since my garden area is larger I figure why spend the money. Every year I tend to till up more yard space for garden; less mowing more growing.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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