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Old February 10, 2008   #11
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Is Feejee amd Feejee improved that same tomato? I noticed in the article that he called it FI.


I'd have to do some Googling to see about that but in any case I would presume that anything "improved" would not change the color of a variety, and for Feejee that color is pink, which is what matters. You too can do some Googling and confirm the color of Feejee. It's usually described as pink, a few times reddish pink, but still pink and not brown.

(Thanks for clarifying some of it. If I plant it out this summer, I will just call it BB.)

Terry, how carefully worded that first sentence is, as in clarifying SOME of it.

If you call it BB then how are you going to distinguish between the known BB that arose in the growing fields of Seeds by Design and this, to me, faux BB?

Since it was listed as TRUE Black Brandywine, why don't you call it TBB?

(See, you taught me something. I did not know that about Shah)

Glad to see I taught you at least ONE thing Terry.

You'll never know what lurks in the tomato section of the brain when it comes to some of us who have been involved with tomato varieties for many years. Craig and I and a few others can only respond to questions asked, not give answers if a question isn't asked. And Craig has a lovely collection of old seed catalogs when it comes to info about the older commercial varieties . And there are also some other sources that are helpful and I think I saw Craig mention several of them in other threads here in this new Forum.
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