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Old March 24, 2006   #28
Earl's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: SW Ohio
Posts: 1,278

LOL. Looks like this plant share meet is starting to 'rev' up.

At the old place, folks liked to read about CHOPTAG events, for a lot them it was a sort of 'I wish I could'a been there thing or dang, I'm gonna get one of them goin'' and them feeling good about reading about it. I guess they still can, but they gotta come over here to do it. :-)

I really like having our own forum. Thanks, Mr. M.

BTW, if those Kimberlys keep growing I may have to rent a U-Haul to take them to the meet. Some are starting to get small tomatoes. :-)

Which reminds me. The greenhouse, after being a pain to get setup [because of weather and my decrepidness], is a delight. If you don't have one, find a way to get one. I've been heating it with a couple small electric heaters set on automatic low so the cost shouldn't be all that much.
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