Thread: Veggie-Cages
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Old February 19, 2008   #25
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Glendora, CA
Posts: 167

Would any discussion of cages be complete without me chiming in about my PVC cages?

Quite a few folks like them...not as many as like the CRW cages to be sure,
but for the urban gardener with not that many plants, I think they're very servicable.

As usual, thanks to feldon30 for hosting the link.

And the cost you ask? Probably, depending on the price of PVC in your area. About the same as the Texas cages.

But stronger. One person posted on another board that after a true tropical storm came through (remnants of a for
real hurricane), my design held up the best.

In fact, he titled the thread 'Hurricane resistant tomato cages'...with his tongue firmly in his cheek, I'm sure.

Disclaimer....CRW cages not included. But that does include the Texas cage and the usual slinky-designed cone
shaped ones (with supplementary stakes).
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