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Old March 1, 2008   #22
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MO z6a near St. Louis
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Originally Posted by gssgarden View Post
Ruth, about how many Okra do you get off one plant? Is it a continuous crop? Kinda like a pepper plant?



Okra is a continuous crop. Once it gets going you need to pick every day to get them at optimum size and tenderness. I had several plants so I would most days get enough from one picking to have enough for a meal. Otherwise I would store them in the refrigerator for a day or two to accumulate enough. It seemed to me that the bush types, which have many branches, produced more (because they had many branches). The single stem types that get really tall might yield 1-3 per day.

Some say the glass half-full. Others say the glass is half-empty. To an engineer, it’s twice as big as it needs to be.
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