Thread: Harvest
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Old March 9, 2008   #3
gardengalrn's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Kansas, zone 5
Posts: 524
Default Illusions of grandeur ;)

I am wondering what everyone plans to put up or preserve this year? I have some pretty big plans so who knows what will actually take place
~Of course, tomatoes: Sauce, stewed and diced. Some Annie's Salsa with the variation for BWB instead of pressure canning it (I always end up with a product that seems too over processed when the pre-canned stuff is delicious).
~Lots of canned green beans
~Hope to freeze peas and corn
~Will cook and freeze collards, have had good luck with this.
~Will chop/freeze onions (as well as hopefully storing some) and green peppers. Too handy to throw into sauce or casseroles.
~Will grate and freeze summer squash as it becomes too much to handle. Great for soups and breads.
~Would like to try slicing and freezing breaded squash in a small amount. Some have had good luck, some not.
~Pickles, kraut
~Pickled beets, peppers
~Strawberry jam and hot pepper jelly
There is a bunch of other things I would like to do but as you know, there is only so much time. I will feel accomplished if I can get half of this done. I read a lot on the Harvest Forum and don't know how some of them do it!
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-Abraham Lincoln
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