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Old October 5, 2016   #21
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Idaho
Posts: 241

FY 2-4, bicolor good flavor

FY 2-6

FY 2-7, Rich flavor, less sweet, productive.

FY 2-9 nice stripes, bigger, 7.5/10

FY 2-17, the blocky plum shape was an interesting suprise. BC interior. Taste 8/10. Definitely gets a re-grow next year.

FY 2-16, FY 2-13, FY 2-14
Taste reports - 2-14 7/10, 2-13 5/10, 2-16 7/10

L 1-7, nice citrus flavor

L 1-12, L 1-8. Loves the looks on 1-12. Good flavor. 1-8 was nothing to write home about.

FY 2-10, FY 2-15. No save on 2-10. 2-15 was tasty and meaty though.

FY 2-33, FY 2-27. 2-27 was boring old red, but the nice, classic old-fashioned flavor made up for that.

L 2-5, L 2-8, L 2-6. 2-5 was very early but bland. 2-8 was a no save (I'm not saving anything out of this line w/sub-7 taste). 2-6 had a lt pink BC core, lime-acid flavor and ripened early.

L1-28,L 2-27,L 2-25. 2-27 was pretty with very good taste and early.

L 1-34, L1-8, L 2-1, L 1-4
All early ripening, 1-34 a and and 1-8 both had good flavor.

FY 2-7, FY 2-8. Didn't save 2-7, 2-8 had the classic "black" taste.

FY 4-5, FY 4-10, FY 4-9

FY 2-2, FY 2-3. 2-2 had VERY good flavor. 2-3 was bicolor, taste 7/10

FY 2-5, "metallic gold" stripes, pink interior, acid, taste 7/10

FY 2-34

FY 2-36

"Antho Mystery" FY 1-1 bicolor interior.
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