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Old July 10, 2012   #26
Join Date: May 2011
Location: SW TX
Posts: 16

I think I may have unofficially given up on tomatillos. I have two plants that make a pretty large bush together (I have them trained up off the ground) -- no fruits as far as I can see.. I have untrained purple tomatillos in two different locations and gave away several seedlings to friends -- no fruits. It's either temperature or lack of pollination causing this, but in either case, they're taking up too much space and not producing... They're shading out the squash too, causing it not to produce! grr..

Interestingly, the two topped plants I got from the nursery each look different. One has small, pale green leaves and is bushier, while the other has larger, dark green leaves and is viney-ier. I'm fairly certain they're of the same seed stock..
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