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Old June 16, 2013   #4
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Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 614

Originally Posted by ginger2778 View Post
And I don't know what happened to Ann, I hope she is OK.
Hi, Marsha! I'm fine. Just haven't been 'here' on T-ville as much. Today I cut some dead brown stems from what were until last month very busy cherry tomato plants. The last month has been less productive (except for a second and nice crop of Big Ray's, and the rest of the Jaune Flammes) due to the heat, and a wetter than typical month. The last remaining fruit either went straight from unripe to rotten on the vine, or was eaten by something, it seems. Except the peppers, which have been nice.

Also have been busy with work plus cats. Both my pets were sick with a tummy bug, and one of the feral cats had a mouth infection like Pixie did last year. Then I took a little one to be spayed, and they said if I hadn't brought her in right then she would have died. Little Tudor, about 8 months old, apparently had a reproductive problem that was either a burst cyst or maybe an infection from mating, and I had no idea because she was always so happy and pleasant. She's still recuperating indoors, on antibiotics, and has immediately turned house cat. The other two hate her because she's an affection-seeking little "puppy" and they are not ready for that. She really is a doll, hope I can find her a home.

I feel like I've learned a lot of lessons in the past eight months or so that I've been attempting to grow things. Had some nice luck, and some bad luck with frost and weather issues, and then was contending for a while with having very little time. Glad I got out of it what I did, and sort of sorting through my options for the fall attempt. Just received some seeds in the mail as a kind return gift for some samples of the pastes I had. One is Cherokee Purple, so I am definitely looking forward to the fall. Never did get the watermelons in the ground. Maybe next year. (I did just buy some.)

Late October is definitely a possibility. Even more so if I finally get serious about replacing my 13-year-old car.


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