Thread: pH for sweets?
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Old March 25, 2017   #26
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by BigVanVader View Post
Question: if I added Flora Nova to a 50 gallon drum for hand watering will it stay good? I'm too lazy to mix it one watering can at a time.
I don't know about your product specifically, but I am not sure I would do such a large amount at one time unless your going to be able to use it in three days. I can mix a 5 gallon bucket of ferts up and when mixed with water and even having a cover over the top to keep out bits and pieces of junk that flying around I notice that by day three if I haven't used it that green algae starts to build up and inside of plastic container starts getting a slimy feel to it.

I know you have a huge number of plants so I can see you wanting something bigger to use. It generally takes me 10 gallons to cover everything and while a pain to have to stop and remix a 5 gal. bucket, it better than having to worry if some sort of bacteria or fungi may have developed in a sitting bucket and dump it and scrub clean and redo.

Hopefully somebody is familiar with your Flora Nova and give more experienced advice.
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