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Old August 4, 2012   #4
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
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Default Garlic Confit

In trying to figure out what to do with the last of my 2011 garlic before it all had to get tossed, I found instructions for making Garlic Confit. The hardest part it peeling the garlic, but the rest is easy as can be.

Break heads of Garlic into individual cloves. Some recipes called for blanching then plunging into an ice bath to peel, but I found a quick soak in a bowl of cool water worked pretty well for loosening the skins.

Once they are peeled, cut off the root end, dry well, and place into a small pot. Add enough extra virgin olive oil to bring the level an inch above the garlic. Cook over low heat until the garlic is soft and turns a light to medium tan color--don't let it go beyond that point or it will get bitter. Keep the heat low enough that the oil forms small bubbles. Remove from the stove and carefully pour into a bowl to cool.

What you get is basically roasted garlic without having to turn on the oven or deal with sticky papery skins, and lots of roasted garlic oil to use for cooking or seasoning (or for dipping the rest of your bread in after you've eaten all the garlic).

The rule of thumb seems to be to keep it refrigerated and use it within two weeks, or there's a risk of botulism.
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