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Old June 10, 2017   #115
Posts: n/a

Maglia Rosa is a low bush tomato in my experience (if left to sprawl), without dense foliage. There are larger plants that match the low bush description (e.g. Pink Cheeks), but I agree that Maglia Rosa is quite compact. Pink Tiger is the vine version, I've read.

Tim's Black Ruffles was a higher bush than Pink Cheeks and Maglia Rosa (and TBR was a smotherer). My tomato that was supposed to be Jim Dandy was an even higher bush (about as bush-like as you could want; but not as bad of a smotherer); really an awesome tomato (I don't know if it breeds true, but if anyone in the US wants seeds, feel free to let me know; it was a multiflora, sweet, yellow cherry with rich flavor; very prolific; seems to grow easily in clay soil; didn't even fall over uncaged until late in the season when it got enormous; it was already quite large before it fell over, though; I imagine it may stay upright forever if pruned; I wouldn't be that surprised if you could make a small topiary with it, LOL, except it's not terribly dense).

Last edited by shule1; June 10, 2017 at 08:47 PM.
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