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Old October 20, 2012   #60
TomatovilleŽ Administrator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The Bay State
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Originally Posted by Tomatoville: Contact Us
The following message was sent to you via the TomatovilleŽ Gardening Forums Contact Us form by PennyM ( ).


Hi Moderators.
I am very frustrated now...
After bending over backwards to correct ALL Tomato name change data that you brought to our attention in 2011...although very slight in most cases...I continue to be edited out and refused access to some forums.
Like the 'Members websites' forum.
Last year Mischka said that we needed to modify all incorrect names of varieties.
We've complied.
I have seen information continually contradicted by one 'Authorty' vs. another...for example simple things like if a Tomato is determinate...or indetermiante. I have the documentation on this.
Or how many days to maturity for certain varieties....between the alleged 'experts' in your forum. I have documentation of this.
After ardently working with Tatania and Craig to comply with all of the recommended name changes....although minor in nature...I'm still being blocked out of ceretain forums.
I don't want to hear about 'Copyrighted pictures'..unless EVERY Vendor in your recommended vendors list is held to the same standards. THEY ARE NOT!
I have manY pics of tomatoes on my Website that are exclusively ours.
And some of the few in question...have incorrect information on where they originated.
In one instance..IT IS OUR ORINGINAL PICTURE...that another seed vendor copied AND TOOK CREDIT FOR. And you've questioned the source of the picture.
We have documentation for this.
I feel that one Moderator in particular is blocking me out of even answering comments about our Penny's Tomato website.
I've consulted with our legal team and they feel that we are being treated unfairly.
Tomato-villians have repeatedly shown us support in most cases.
I'm asking that ALL of my submitted post be put up...if you feel you need to delete a line that doesn't comply with your so.
But we're making a plea that we not be edited out completely.
I want to be a positive contributer to the Tomatoville forums. But I refuse to be treated unfairly.
When we get past this all of my correspondense can be potitive.
I have not recieved one answer back to my several emails to contact me or answer an issue.
Can we reslove this together...or should I take a legal recourse?
Thanks for your consideration,


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User Name: PennyM
User ID: 8172

One last word of farewell, Dear Master and Mistress.

Whenever you visit my grave,

say to yourselves with regret

but also with happiness in your hearts

at the remembrance of my long happy life with you:

"Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved."

No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you,

and not all the power of death

can keep my spirit

from wagging a grateful tail.
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