Thread: Garlic patch
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Old March 6, 2016   #11
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
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Originally Posted by pmcgrady View Post
I'm sorry, didn't know it was offensive, I apologize . We use the term around here and there is no offense taken. It's like, hey Dago what's happening?
(Dago) not much, wheelbarrow...
(Me) wheelbarrow?
(Dago) yeah if it wasn't for wheelbarrows, Irishmen would still be walking on all fours!

And then we go into the tavern and buy each other drinks.

Apology accepted. Thank you. And, in your defense, here's what Wiktionary has to say about its usage --

"The sense is still extremely offensive in the United States. It has become less pejorative among certain groups reclaiming the term in recent years, with people of Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese origin themselves adopting the term. In the Upper Midwest region of the United States, the term is used for several Italian-inspired food items with no apparent pejorative connotation."

It seems you are from the part of the country where it is not as offensive as in other areas. But I will tell you that if you were to call an Italian American by that name in the northeast and you yourself were not of Italian descent, or the person's near and dear friend, there is a greater chance you would be going to the hospital instead of the tavern.
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