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Old April 25, 2018   #12
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Henry for sure has grown the turban, and can tell you something about it which I can only imagine. Those plants look amazing to me, with the huge stem and frothy little leaves.

One thing about the wireworm damage - I had one bunch of damaged bulbs that I kept separate from the others and I didn't go through the usual steps of trimming and taking them down to a clean wrapper etc, just left them to cure as they were.
When I did clean them up, it seems the damage had penetrated through the bad wrappers and damaged some cloves.
By comparison, the wireworm damaged bulbs that I cleaned carefully, stripping them down even to the last wrapper if that was the only unblemished one, they kept well enough and the cloves were not affected by those bites or bruises.
So my advice if you see wireworm damage, strip em down as far as you need to during the cure, for your best chance of undamaged cloves.
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