Thread: Carrots?
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Old April 15, 2015   #41
Worth1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by shelleybean View Post
Oh, I love bitter beer. I hate sweet beer. Blech! Carrots and beer sound really good to me. I will try that this fall. I wonder if sweet beer would turn bitter carrots sweet? So many times the carrots I buy at the store are bitter. They taste like they've been sitting around somewhere for months.

Worth, do you like bitter greens like escarole or any of the chicory varieties? I bought some kind of chicory at the grocery store and the cashier asked me what it was. I told her and she asked if it was bitter. I said, "yes" and then she said, "so why are you buying it if it's bitter?" I said, "Because I like it!"
Yes I love bitter greens like chicory,
radicchio, endive
and oil cured bitter olives.

I like to eat the bitter oil cured olives with a beer like Fat Tire, Newcastle or Harp.
They have flavor not just bitter.
I also let my ales, porters and stouts breath in a tall glass before I drink them and never ice cold.
Externally cold beer ruins the flavor like it does a good wine so I drink it around 45 to 50 degrees, even 60.
That is the reason people drink rot gut beer ice cold, because it tastes so bad.

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