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Old February 4, 2017   #1
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: SE PA
Posts: 53
Default Choosing Beefsteak Varieties

I'm growing two beefsteak plants this season because that's all I really need. One very sweet but with some uniqueness to it's taste, and the other with a complex taste that has sweetness but not as it's overriding feature. For the sweet/unique, it's between KBX and Orange Jazz. For the balanced/complex I'm considering Lucky Cross or Brandywine.

Being that Brandywine is a parent of Lucky Cross, I'm assuming there are some similarities in taste. But just how similar are they? And because Lucky Cross is a bi-color and I know bi-colors are usually sweet, I'm also wondering if it has the right taste profile to be considered as sweet/unique and compete with KBX and Orange Jazz? If Lucky Cross does indeed qualify as sweet/unique, would it be redundant to grow both Brandywine and Lucky Cross?

I'm hoping anyone who has grown these varieties can help guide me.
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