Thread: Favorite Herbs?
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Old February 7, 2006   #7
GManess's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Greensboro, N.C.
Posts: 70
Default Favorite Herb

My favorite herb to grow, cook with, and eat fresh from the garden is BASIL followed by Italian Flat Leaf Parsley and then true greek oregano Origanum vulgar hirtum formally known botanically as Origanum heracleoticum.

I grow about 10 different varieties of Ocimum basilicum and I always plant basil beside each of my tomato plants. Not only is it an excellent companion plant in the garden but it also adds a fantastic touch to tomatoes in the kitchen as well. Nothing better than picking a small ripe tomato off the vine, wrapping it with a Basil leaf, and chowing down while you work in the garden (ok maybe with a splash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a piece of fresh Mozzarella cheese wedged in between it all ..............if you insist)

I planted my 1st patch of True Greek Oregano 3 years ago around a patch of rocks that protrude out of the ground in the middle of my backyard garden. It quickly spread into a nice mound of the most bland tasteing herb i had ever eaten. Problem.. this was not Origanum vulgar hirtum ..... it was Origanum vulgar, commonly called Wild Marjoram (this is the *&^%$ you buy in the 2 lb containers of dried herbs). This past year I finally bought a True Greek Oregano palnt at a local herb fest at our local Farmers Market. 2 things about T.G.O. #1 the flowers are white when in bloom and #2 the leaves are hairy and #3, I know, I know I said 2 but this is the most important one. Chew a leaf, if it isn't hot with a sharp bite it's not True Greek Oregano. I have since grown out my own plants and use it every chance I get.
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