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Old March 15, 2018   #15
MissS's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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I mostly grow mine indoors. I have 30-40 bulbs. I also breed some. Mine are in pots. I do re-pot them every two years. I use a high phosphorous fertilizer throughout the growing season. I may put some outdoors after June 20th. If you put them out any earlier you are at risk of losing them to the narcissus bulb fly which will lay eggs on them and the grubs will feed on your bulb and consume the entire interior of the bulb. So mostly I try to keep mine indoors in bright light.

I may or may not cut off all growth sometime in November. If I do, I stop watering the plant and allow it to go dormant. If it needs re-potting, I try to do it now. Otherwise I wait until new growth appears sometime in February or March at which time re-pot and I begin to water it. For those that I do not cut the growth off of, I water minimally until they put up a flower bud. Once I see that, I begin watering it weekly.

These plants do not like to have wet feet. So be sure to keep them just moist to dry and not wet. If they are too wet, they will rot.
~ Patti ~
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