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Old January 14, 2008   #1
tuk50's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Tucson, Arizona (catalina)
Posts: 413
Default Water Hydraulics?

I need some engineering help! Setting up a water system in tomato patch. I have a couple of 55gal barrels 2ft off the ground gravity fed through a 3/4in hose connecting them to a pvc 1/2in system. The 5 30ft 1/2in pvc lines are connected at one end with pvc T's and capped at the other 5 ends. The 1st 30ft row to the 5th 30ft row has about a 10in drop over 25ft. Question is where do I drill small holes and where do I drill larger holes to keep some sort of equal pressure in all the lines. Do larger holes need to be at the capped ends of the 30ft lines or at the 5th row, which is the fartherest away from the 3/4in hose supply. I'm sure it is obvious for a hydrologist, but I ain't one. .. LOL..
Also I thought about starting with 1/4in holes every 2in and using progressively smaller bit sizes toward the higher pressure side, is this about the right size holes or should they be smaller.
I have to put so much water on my maters here in the desert that I want to let the water dechlorinate for a day or two prior to irrigating, plus making a weak compost tea each day. 8)
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