Thread: Asian herbs?
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Old May 18, 2016   #5
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 205

This is my first year growing lemongrass from seed, ordered from Baker Creek. I hope to end up with enough to dry or make into a paste and freeze. No more wasting time trying to regrow store-bought.

Other asian herbs:
-Purple Shiso (interesting flavor that some people loathe, very poor germination for me)
-Thai Basil (delicious raw)
-Holy Basil (needs to be cooked or used for tea)
-Chives/Garlic Chives
-Culantro (native to Americas but popular for Vietnamese food, similar to cilantro)

I have debated getting a kaffir lime tree. The leaves are cheap in asian markets, and I already have to overwinter too many plants. I haven't worked up to ginger or galangal yet, hate to say it but I buy galangal paste instead of fresh root, and fresh ginger is cheap and widely available.
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