Thread: My Garden 2018
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Old March 31, 2018   #48
bad.kelpie's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
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Posts: 239

Lol, I don't know about that. Some of my plants under lights are being weird. Just losing older leaves. The tray on the shelf below is unaffected. I decided to pot them up into solo cups, as that always made them happy last year. As I was potting them up, I was realizing that the bottoms of the cups, where most of the roots were, were warm. I had moved the tray and it was now directly on the shelf. The shelf below them had the lights attached to it for the plants below, so the shelf was warm. So hopefully, that's all it is. I raised them off the shelf again.

The ones in the "greenhouse" bins are doing pretty well with that, so I can always put the older plants outside of they get too tall for the shelf. They bins come in at night. It's been around 60 degrees during the day and 40 at night.

I got my bean and cucumber trellis up. . It'll look like a garden in no time.

Possibly only a couple more weeks. I'll reassess when I get there and see the 15 day forecast, but I've been able to plant in mid April for the last several years.
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