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Old February 27, 2017   #7
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
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In reply to Max: While there are a few oxhearts with wispy leaves, only a few are that way. Check on the variety. Of the 40 or so hearts I have grown most have leaves that rival any other variety for size. As for the strength of the stems, personally I have never had any heart with weak or thin stems. Maybe it is the way they are raised in my basement with a fan blowing on them that they have stockier stalks.

Star: Look for a fertilizer that is called "Bloom Booster" or "Flower Power" of some such. I get miracle-gro or Schultz or Master Gardener brand blue crystals that mixes with water with the formula 8-20-20 or somewhere in that neighborhood. Lots of vine and very few fruits is an indication of too much nitrogen.

I have friends who like to put tomatoes in gro-bags of 10 gallons or more. They put those wheeled trays under so they can be moved. You might look for a dwarf heart for a smaller sized plant. (dwarf purple heart or dwarf yellow heart)
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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