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Old August 7, 2017   #3
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No expert but I did this last Winter with great success. As long as your Aphid,
Fungus Gnat, White Fly identifying skills are good and you have the arsenal at hand at
first sign. Yellow Sticky traps to monitor the signs and having ready the proper spray.

I managed it well but was caught by surprise.

Also depends on the size of your intended plants. I was growing micros and hunting
full trays and culling. No trouble getting fruit, though sparse. Some time shifting to a
full South sunny window helps.

I'm planning another Winter grow. This time starting in a few weeks instead of waiting
until late October. I can grow out three times a year I think the way it is going.

On diversion tactic foil...I grew micro sunflowers and found that all predators flocked to
them and left the tomatoes alone. So I will plant them seeds and had
them in a bi-weekly planting all winter once I found their use for that.

I also grow micro greens all Winter, actually year round, so watering needs are different
and hard to keep all soils dry. (to prevent soil borne issues). Lots of tricks.

I did listen to the discouraging words of many, but went about my way and glad I did.

A dozen plants I topped to keep them manageable and that helped production.
Early Spring, headed for the compost, I just put them out on the deck bench to
cascade instead. Being multiflora they have been pumping out fruit since and still.
Not dwarf so I won't save seeds, maybe one, but the fruit is dark chocolate and very
tasty. I had fruit in June, unheard of here. Even have had to freeze a big quart.

Just now, in complicated NewEngland weather this year, I'm just now getting a few
SunGold, early August.
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