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Old August 29, 2017   #10
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Northeast USA
Posts: 68

I had the same issue this year with a Melrose pepper. It is supposed to be sweet, and the first one I tasted left my mouth and lips burning!!! The plant and peppers look very much like Shi★★★★os (Jimmy Nardello shouldn't look like Shi★★★★os, should it? I think JN's are longer), and the place where I got the Melrose seedling also had hot Shi★★★★os, when I was looking for mild.

I got some Melroses from a different source that have been very slow producing, and now that a pepper is forming on one of those, it looks different - less wrinkled and more tapered. So I'm wondering if the "Melrose" was really a hot Shi★★★★o?

Got some Shi★★★★os elsewhere that are truly just sweet, so very happy with those.

This is the 3rd or 4th year that I've grown peppers that were supposed to be sweet that were actually hot ("sweet" bananas, "sweet" cherries). This has happened from multiple sources! It's very disappointing, especially because you don't find out until well into the season.

Especially sad if you grew it from seed! I feel for you!
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