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Old September 8, 2007   #1
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Co-Founder
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Default The Official Buffalo-Niagara 2007 Tomato Tastefest Thread...POST HERE!

Sorry.. I'm draggin my azz & too tired & sore but Hilde & Remy etc will post something soon... thanks to all that attended!

I'm off to sleep for a while...
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Old September 8, 2007   #2
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Poor little tuckered pumpkinhead, gotta take a nap after eating all those maters. :-)
"Seriously think about what you're about to do/say before you do it and the outcome will always be better." Earl
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Old September 8, 2007   #3
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Come on drink some coffee and update us
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Old September 8, 2007   #4
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Well I just walked in the door from the Buffalo-Niagara 2007 Tomato Tastefest....and as tired as I am after a great day, long drive and dropping off my two passengers....not too mention meeting some great people face to face, gorging on at least 75 to 100+ varieties, seriously good delectables bbq'd/grilled up by Remy's family - Gary and Jeff, I think did the honours....pigging out on some wicked salad made by Marcia, divine carrot cake made by???....and death by chocolate cake....I can safely say, I drove, I saw, I met, I sampled, I pigged out, and now I'm totally knackered, but totally replete.

What an incredible event organised by Remy and Mark. Kudos for doing all that work...including the great tomato shaped directional party signs on the streets leading to the location! I can only imagine that as hard as it will be to top this year, next year is going to even better!!!!

BTW...far less issues bring tomatoes home across the the questions on the way down. Okay apparently to say that any of the fruit and veggies I was taking down were for the salads I was taking down....hehehe. Ok, there was a premade salad and baba ghanouj in the cooler ....but the rest were for the fest or for No worries. Definitely going to repeat next year.

And one last big thanks to all those that allowed us to scavenge seeds from the taster tomatoes....and an even bigger one to Mark for sharing from his incredible stash of seeds he brought along. Merci beaucoup toujours.
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Old September 9, 2007   #5
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Just a short post (I am tired and going to bed now). There were 89 different varieties at the taste fest, ONLY FIVE were duplicated, but I didn't count Terry's (tomatoaddict) tomato that was competing for the ugliest award. I think that was a Cherokee Purple. Can you confirm what variety that was, Terry? If indeed a Cherokee Purple, we had 90 different varieties to taste! A complete list of varieties and pictures of each and every one of them will come within the next few days. It is a bit of work to do this, so be patient!

Unfortunately I have promised Mark not to post pictures of him, although I think I am allowed to post the group picture. However, I did not make any such promises to Terry (tomatoaddict) and Zana, who both were only too happy to have their picture taken.

There are many people to thank, but tonight I would especially like to thank Remy. Thank you so much for your hard work and for so generously offering to host the taste fest. Without you there would have been no Buffalo Niagara 2007. This was a fantastic day. Thank you Mark for bringing all your varieties of tomatoes and generously offering your seeds, thank you to everyone who brought tomatoes and dishes to share, and thank you to everyone who came, because your present make the day extra special, like another flavor added to a salad, or another dish to a buffet. This was truly a great group of people. Thank you all.

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Old September 9, 2007   #6
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Co-Founder
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. ....

I just awoke briefly... musta had a nightmare about ET...

ET! Phone home!!

First, a little story til I'm fully awake and post more, but let me say that the event got off to a scary start for me...

Hour One, 11:50AM...The Departure

I had a special award made for a friend of mine... his name is Ernest J. Topor. Around here, he's known as "E.T." Without his help, I wouldn't have a big garden every year... he's much of my legwork... he's my weeder... lifter... carrier...he even does some planting. Lots of bending and lifting & stuff like that that I can't always do because of my physical limitations (leg/back/carpal & cubital tunnel, etc.)

Ernie is a retired fireman. He's in his mid 60's and still very energetic. He is a little "slow" upstairs as some may say... maybe been that way, maybe work related injury, maybe beginning of Alzheimers... I don't know. He's a "born again Christian" but is past the stage of pushing religion on you but occasionally will throw out a Bible quote in the middle of doing something in the garden. He's kinda like my own version of Ben Quisenberry, but not as tomato-knowledgeable. He sometimes brings up Crockett from the Victory Garden PBS series, or Mel Bartholomew.

He is a very quiet, passive, timid man. He enjoys gardening. He runs errands for me & helps a lot here. He's married for 20+ years, to a woman that has a "couple screws loose upstairs" if I may say so. She is much younger than him...she has a jealousy about him coming over here... it takes away from her time of him catering to her every demand... their preplanned weekly schedule with no spontaneity. It seems like the only excitement he has is, picking out of a hat, from a premade list of places to take her to dinner every Friday or lunch every Wednesday. But I digress...

He had to get permission to come to the tastefest party--it actually took me going over there and pleading. I actually invited both of them. She declined. He met me at my house at the correct time, he's always prompt.

He got in the truck and then said he has to be home by 3-3:30pm! I thought this would be a difficult demand to meet so said for him to follow me with his car. OK, problem solved... he could leave when he wanted, and it was only a 20 minute drive.

Anyway, I had to stop for gas on the way. ET got out of his car and waited for me near my truck while I was filling it. He asked if we were ready & I said yes, and what does he do? He gets in my truck instead of his car! I asked him if he was forgetting anything and he drew a blank. I said "You got your own car!" and he did one of those Oh-Duh's laughing.

On the Thruway, he seemed too dropping a long distance behind me. When we got to the toll bridge, he was in a different lane (I was going to pay his toll.) He ended up actually getting ahead of me, I had to catch up and get in front of him because the exit was just a few hundred yards away. Somebody else got between us.

I got off the exit and where was ET? Nowhere to be found! I pulled over for a few minutes but nothing. I proceeded to Remy's and met up with Hilde, who had a cell phone. I tried remembering ET's cell # but it wasn't correct. My 80yr old Mother doesn't answer the phone here, so tried calling my neighbor to go next door, get my phone, and go thru the redial list or phonebook in it to get ET's #. I got my neighbor's answering machine.

Hilde gave me her phone and her map atlas. I went looking for ET. I must have driven all over the island but no sign of ET. I proceeded back to the party, worried where ET was. After an hour or 2 my neighbor called and got my phone and directed him how to use it to find ET's number. I called it and what happens? VOICEMAIL! He didn't even have the phone on!

Anyway, I did my best to have fun, all the while worrying what happened to ET. I was going to take the award over & personally deliver it, but had to stop & give my Mom her bedtime pills first... I called ET's home #, also a cell phone, and got voicemail! Then I called his cell # and after about 8 rings he answered.

I asked what happened and where he got off the highway and he said he didn't remember. He said he asked about 6 people where the tomato tastefest party was but nobody heard of it. He said he even went to the Police but they knew nothing. He said he got home around 3pm... his wife was mad he got lost--I don't know if mad at him or at me. I told him he won an award and he couldn't believe it, almost overjoyed. I asked if he wanted me to bring it over & he said he has to go... he will get it the next time he sees me... whenever she will let him come over again..........
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Old September 9, 2007   #7
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Wonderful story and post, Mark.

It reminds me of a chapter out of a great book. Don't get me the wrong way, but I'm thinking shades of Forest Gump.

I'm just wondering what might be the next instalment? I think you need more outings...

Best, Grub, who seconds the comments about Mark being a good guy.
Now, pics please.
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Old September 9, 2007   #8
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Just for the record, methinks there was more like reluctant hesitation on Terry and my parts to have our pics taken....and if there's anybody else out there who's of similiar hesitation, then I suggest you always know where somebody like Hilde is at an event like the Buffalo-Niagara 2007 Tomato Tastefest Thread. She's got sneaking photo snapping techniques that would make a papparazzi proud! LMAO And I can't remember how many times I heard her mumbling something about "wait til I photo shop this!".

Still, kudos to Hilde for taking a pic of every variety that was there, as well as all the people. Next time I'm hiding or bringing a camera so that I can return her favour of papparazzi-style snaps.

I think we're getting all the rain today that we were supposed to get yesterday...and then some. Glad it held off. All in all, an almost perfect day....'cept for some papparazzi wandering around...
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Old September 9, 2007   #9
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Wish we'd got to meet E.T. Sounds like he's an interesting fellow. Hopefully he won't be underlock and key for too long, and will get to go over and see you soon.
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Old September 9, 2007   #10
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Here is the first post with pictures. They are not on the web, so they will all be attached. Sorry about that! No pictures were cropped, they were just transferred from RAW to jpg in Photoshop Lightroom, because it saved me so much time!

All the varieties (and photos) are alphabetical, five varieties were brought twice, and I have taken two pictures of a few varieties because the color on the top and bottom were so different, and it is important to show both. It is noted what varieties are shown twice.

All pictures were taken before they were sliced. Sliced pictures will come later, but unless specifically asked for, not one by one. Those who want to see specific varieties sliced, please request so, and I will post it!

Aker’s West Virginia
Amish Paste
Ananas Noire
Anna Banana Russian
Aunt Gertie’s Gold
Aunt Ginny’s Purple
Azoychka - 2

Better Boy
Bicolored Cherry
Black Cherry
Black Russian
Black Sea Man (Boldest tomato)
Box Car Willie
Brandywine OTV, Pink
Brandywine, red
Burracker’s Favorite

Cherokee Bicolor F2
Cherokee Bicolor (Orange)
Cherokee Green Grape (from Isis Candy)
Craig’s Potato Leaf
Czech Tomato (Nebraska), PL

Dixie Golden Giant
Dr. Lyle
Dr Wyche’s Yellow

Earl’s Faux
Earl’s Faux - 2 (Best tasting and largest tomato)
Egg Yolk

Flathead Monster

Gardener’s Delight
Gary O’Sena
Golden Queen (USDA strain)
Grandpa Charlie
Grappoli d’ Inverno
Green Giant
Green Moldovan
Green Moldovan - 2
Green Zebra
Grub’s Mystery Green

Haley’s Purple Comet

Italian Giant Pear, Gransassa Strain
Italian Purple

Jaune Flammee
Juliette Grape

Kellogg’s Breakfast
Kentucky Beefsteak
Korney’s Cross

Livingston’s Favorite
Lucky Cross

Moreton Hybrid
Mystery Black from Neighbor!

Neves Azorean Red
Neves Azorean Red 2

Olga or/cv Oaxaca
Olive Hill

Peach (same picture as Polish Linguisa)
Pearl’s Yellow Pink
Polish Giant
Polish Linguisa (same picture as Peach)
Pomodoro Tropic
Pruden’s Purple, 2 pictures
Purple Calabash, 2 pictures
Purple Hillbilly
Purple Russian
Pusta Kolox
Pusta Kolox (Ugliest tomato)

Red Grape
Rio Grande
Roughwood Golden Plum

Sarnowski Polish Plum
Sophie’s Choice
Spark’s Yellow
Stump of the world
Sungold - 2 (Smallest tomato)
SunPlum, PL
SunPlum, RL
Super Sonic
Sweet Gold (Sweetest tomato)

Vintage Wine

White Tomesa
Attached Images
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Old September 9, 2007   #11
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Co-Founder
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Here's a preliminary group pic:

Not in the pic were Rob, Rob's wife, Larry's wife, Jeff's wife, Desi, Pomona's husband who took the pic, and Peggy I think. I don't know the name of Jeff's kids, and forgot Pomona's daughter's name, so will call her Little Miss Loganberry. Gary in the back row is Remy's husband. I forgot Tara's Husband's name.

Pomona & her family came from Pittsburgh.

Terry came from OH.

Zana & friends came from Ontario.

Tara & husband were between a wedding cerimony and wedding reception and Tara came in "full dress."

Marcia & Patty were the ones who held the Tomato Tastefest at the Fireside Inn in East Concord, NY a couple weeks ago.

I forgot the pumpkin guy's name.

ET never made it but got home 20 minutes away within 3 hours.

Anybody I forgot or screwed up, just let me know.

Also, all winners that didn't get their seeds be sure to contact me; each class winner gets 10 packs of seeds of their choice.
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Old September 9, 2007   #12
Hilde's Avatar
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Here is a post with pictures of the tomato tables. I just think it is such a gorgeous sight!
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File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2328.jpg (291.4 KB, 14 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2329.jpg (289.6 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2332.jpg (334.6 KB, 24 views)
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Old September 9, 2007   #13
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tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato
tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato
tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato

Last edited by dcarch; September 9, 2007 at 05:24 PM.
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Old September 9, 2007   #14
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It seems like Mr. Pumpkin Head opened a can of worms!

Here are pictures of sliced tomatoes! If anyone wants close-ups of some of the sliced tomatoes, let me know!
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File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2350.jpg (342.2 KB, 20 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2351.jpg (345.1 KB, 18 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2352.jpg (309.0 KB, 17 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2353.jpg (340.8 KB, 20 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2354.jpg (352.5 KB, 21 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2360.jpg (300.2 KB, 17 views)
File Type: jpg Buffalo-Niagara 2007-2357.jpg (326.4 KB, 13 views)
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Old September 9, 2007   #15
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Coordinator
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I just got home from work a little while ago. Hilde, You're quick! I posted over on our forum pics my sis-in-law took. I assumed you had not posted pics yet. Anyway, Great Job!
I also posted who won what over on the forum. I did forget to mention that Earl's Faux won and was picked as best by some people who had never heard of Earl or Earl's Faux.
I emailed Rob K. to tell him it won as best tasting being of course he and his wife were the only ones to leave early! He was very excited to hear he won and asked if he could send as sase for his certificate. I told him I would just send it. I'm going to surprise him by mailing the plaque.

We were actually talking about your photoshop skills at the party! There was an eggplant you would of loved.
"I wake to sleep and take my waking slow"
-Theodore Roethke

Yes, we have a great party for WNY/Ontario tomato growers every year on Grand Island!
Owner of The Sample Seed Shop
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