Originally Posted by shule1
Back when I was a kid and hamburgers were rare (to me), I loved hamburgers with ketchup so much that I made ketchup sandwiches, imagining there were hamburgers there. You know, the first few bites of a hamburger are like that anyway. People just thought I was weird and liked ketchup a lot, I guess. (I did like ketchup a lot, and I was kind of weird, but that's beside the point.) I probably enjoyed getting a rise out of my family members, too. I think I convinced my younger sibling to try it once. I actually kind of liked it.
I think I've heard of ketchup on spaghetti for the sauce before. The idea doesn't appeal to me, due to the vinegar and cloves, but I'll probably want to try it some day to see what I think. You never know. Some vinegar is fine, but enough to make ketchup is quite a bit, for me.
My grandma's spaghetti was always orange. I'm not sure why. It was a lot different than mine, but I liked it.
I can't do anything but guess at your grandma's spaghetti sauce being orange, but my Lasagna is orange. It's because I use both tomato sauce and alfredo sauce in it. The color spectrum says red + white = pink, but my lasagna says differently