Originally Posted by efisakov
AKmark, as usually nice setup. Picture perfect setup.
I am so impressed with your results. That picture (I am assuming it is your son) of the hand next to the bucket tells more than words can. Your containers are so small for what I always considered the right size for a tomato plant. Amazing. I see it and still can not believe what I see.
I agree with you on Brandywines, Brandywine Sudduth to me tastiest of all. The fruits are beautiful as well. We pick at the end of the season all greenies and let them ripen inside. Brandywine Sudduth has an excellent shelf life.
One very nice lady was very kind and shared with me seeds of Mat-Su Express. They germinated couple of days ago. Thanks for creating it and sharing with TVlians.
Best of luck with all that you do.
Thanks. I think you will like Mat-Su, I am still segregating it for earliness and taste though. There are still still some subtle differences in earliness and taste.